A Smelly Remembrance
Monday, January 28, 2008
I once heard somebody say, "We have to be reminded more often than we learn."
During lunch today, I picked up my book to finish reading it. The book reeks of smoke, left over from this weekends camp-out. I could not focus on reading because the smell kept drawing my attention back to the activities of the camp-out and spending time with my son. My mind would travel back and reflect on the mental images of the fun activities.
It is funny how certain smells triggers certain memories. I am forced to wonder if God instilled this in our being; a way to help remind us. I can smell a freshly mown field while in a car moving at 60mph. This smell draws me to the times I spent with my father and grandfather doing weekend yard work. As a child, I loved mowing the yard because my father(s) were always involved in that activity. This memory usually leads to a remembrance of the stories my father shared with us while taking a break. I can recall the time my father used a weed in the grass to exemplify sin and what happens when it is left to grow. This lesson (sin=weeds) is ingrained in my memories, even 30 years later.
This reminds me of the movie "Ratatouille" when the food critic is drawn to childhood memories while eating a simple peasant dish at an exquisite restaurant. The passage in Psalms 78: 1-8 tells of the importance of telling our children the praiseworthy deeds of our Lord. I pray that my children may remember the testimonies of their father when they smell a campfire, the stories of a grandfather while telling their children stories, or the teaching of a mother when smelling a freshly cooked meal.
I, for one, will have to start paying more attention to opportunities to tell my children what the Lord has done for me and my family. The time we spend fishing, camping, or building something in the garage are times I will need to spend telling my children the deeds of our Savior.
Posted byAnonymous at 1/28/2008
Labels: child development, family, fore-fathers, generations, heritage of honor