A Father's Story

I owned and operated a landscaping business. To meet upcoming expenses, I had to quickly finish a landscape job. After the crew and I completed the job, the customer approved of the work and paid in cash. It was a sizable amount that barely fit into my wallet.

I had to make a stop at the local city dump before dropping off the crew. We barely made it before they closed for the day. After unloading the trash and dropping of the crew, my manager and I stopped by the car wash to wash out the trailer and equipment. I reached into my back pocket to find no wallet. My muscles squeezed my stomach tight and my mind started backtracking all my steps. We jumped back into the truck and headed back to the house to think things through.

I was a nervous wreck. You see, this payment not only covered payroll, but also many other expenses. It was a considerable amount. I was sure this was the end of my business. The only possible location I could have lost it was in the city dump. My manager, a fellow brother in Christ, challenged me to go search for it. They were closed, it was dark outside, and I knew the heavy bulldozers had already buried everything in sight. So I found a flashlight, grabbed a bottle of water, and make the trip back to the dump.

The dump was closed so I had to jump the gate. I new it was a lost cause, but the prayer on the way there helped restore my faith. I climbed up the massive hill to the spot where we dumped the trailer. I turned on the flash light, pointed it to the ground, and light up my wallet laying in the mud. The bi-fold was opened, the cash was still in it, and all the credit cards were bent in half from the bulldozer running over it. I feel to the ground in tears thanking my Savior.

I tell my story to my children and no matter how many times I tell it, they still listen.

Posted byAnonymous at 1/14/2008  


Anonymous said... 1/16/2008 5:58 PM  

Your going back to search not only benefited you, but the workers, as well. This is proof that God is watching, helping, and directing our steps. I am sure the dump had much ground to cover.

Anonymous said... 1/16/2008 6:03 PM  

I don't think it took my comment, UGGGGHHH! I hate it when it does that. It went something like this-

Proof that God is watching, directing our steps. He is concerned with the welfare of all his people. I'm sure those workers appreciate you loooking for it.

Anonymous said... 1/20/2008 7:32 PM  

True, but the bases of the story is our children not only need to hear them, but they want to hear them. The true benefit of this event is a testimony of God's providence to my children.

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