Veterans Day Traditions?
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Many influential, life changing events have happened on this day in history. For instance, in 1620, the "Mayflower Compact" was signed by the 41 Separatists among the passengers of the "Mayflower," serving as the basis for combining themselves "into a civil body politic." Democratic in form, the Compact comprised the first written American constitution, and remained in force until 1691. (See Reference)
However, on highly under-observed activity for today is Veterans Day. In what ways do you thank the individuals that have sacrificing time, education, and financial opportunities in order to protect our freedoms; freedoms which are under constant attack, by both other countries and Americans?I for one will start with my family, teaching my children to overflow with thankfulness for what God has entrusted us with. Telling them the stories of there forefathers than have fought in Bacon’s Rebellion, the ones that served in the Revolutionary War, and about there great-grandfather which served in WWI; which ended this day in 1918. Maybe we should observe this day by building a time line illustrating our descendants which have scarified much in order to protect us, their future generations. How will you and you family honor your heritage on this day?
Thank You…
Posted byAnonymous at 11/11/2007
Labels: family, heritage, Mayflower, veterans day