The League of Grateful Son's

The honor of my heritage is something I have been intrigued with since the death of my grandfather. He died in his 90's, leaving a legacy which I know very little of. His death marked a quest for my "Reagan" heritage. Over the years, I have unlocked the mysteries of my heritage into the 1640's in the US and a couple generations into Ireland.

Why this extreme curiosity to discover my forefathers footsteps? I was never one to dwell on the past. High school history class was a past era that did nothing for me. As I have grown a little wiser, I found that knowing my roots gave a man a strong example to stand on. It is a way for young men to find what his fathers before him have sacrificed for what he now has.

This great revelation has come to light with a moving documentary I recently purchased. The movie "The League of Grateful Sons," was produced by Vision Forum Ministries. It is comprised of faithful stories from son's, fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers which served on Iwo Jima. The movie reveals the biblical importance telling the stories, or testimonies, of what God has accomplished in your life to your sons and grandsons. A child will not remember the algebra solution tomorrow, but he or she will remember the stories you tell them while fishing, planting flowers, or just while eating dinner.

I have missed the opportunity to ask my father's father about his stories. He didn't share them with his grandchildren. He did however take us under his loving mentorship and teach us many things. Now I must do diligence and research my forefathers' lives, so my sons and daughters will have something to hold them strong during trials and tribulations. My children need stories of manly forefathers, so that my children will guide the way for their children, my grandchildren.

"The League of Grateful Sons"

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Posted byAnonymous at 11/09/2007  


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