Destroy Children- "Exasperate Them"

Ephesians 6:4 (New International Version) (Holman Christian Standard Bible)

Exasperate - (Defined by Merriam Webster's Dictionary)

It was another exasperating day at work I came home to find my children did not complete the assigned chores for the day. In a stern voice, I directed my children's attention to completing their choirs. My eldest son was not cleaning the kitchen floor as instructed. So I continued to hammer on him until he ended-up in tears and escaped to his bed. I was angry; he was angry with me and upset.

Involved in my own feelings, I fail to follow God's instruction on raising my child. I was not compassionately nurturing my child. Later that evening, my wife revealed that my son did not properly clean the floor because he did not now how. You see, my son was trying to honor me with the best of his ability, but it was not enough for me. He had the proper attitude, I did not. As he was lying in bed, a broken father had to ask his son for forgiveness.

Children prepare for adulthood by witnessing our actions. Do not push your children to the point of anger, instead teach them compassion and kindness. Focus on correcting the attitude. If the attitude is right, then make sure they clearly understand the issue. Have patience as God has unending patience for us. Also, never discipline with an angry hand. If your heart is not right, then take heed and do not punish. Instead step back and ask your spouse to help. Also, teach you children why you discipline so they may truly understand a biblical world view. Guidance without understanding leads to dictatorship.

Posted byAnonymous at 12/31/2007  


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