Debt: Building Honor or Causing Destruction?

Over the last 50+ years, we have become dependent on the all mighty 2 1/8 inch by 3 1/8 inch sheet of plastic with a magnetic strip. It comes wrapped in any color or image of your choice. Toys are teaching children to just charge it. Commercials chastise the use of cash for slowing down efficiency. Customer loyalty is built by advertising to high school students. Deals come by means of low interest rates or no interest for 3, 6, or even 12 months. And there is my all-time favorite, "Let's cash advance our Visa card to pay the Discover card."

I am not alone in knowing how the chains of debt feel. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis, for every $1.00 earned, each American spends $1.22 [1]. This snowball of a spending trend, sparked by credit cards, leads to an enslaved path of destruction.

In biblical times, debt could lead to slavery; see Mathew 18:26-28 . "If you're in debt then you're a slave, in the sense that you do not have the freedom to use your money to powerfully change your family tree[2]."

Let me clarify, I am not stating that the use of credit is evil. However, I do agree with Dave Ramsey's comment that the use of debt limits our ability to build a Heritage on Honor. A mortgage is not evil; it is the person who sinfully purchase more than what they can afford. We should be good stewards of what we have been entrusted with.

Our children need to be taught and given examples of how to live without debt. They will be bombarded with advertisements that teach them to live the American dream by using a credit card. Without our example and teaching, our grandchildren may seek a life of servitude to debt. I like Dave Ramsey's example how a family tree can change from a debt-free life. Imagine a life of financial freedom giving you the ability to have no mortgage. Your children have learned how to manage finances and live a debt-free life. What kind of heritage could you build by being able to purchase your children's first home for them, with cash, as a reward for living a debt-free life? What kind of example will this set for your generations for come? Good stewardship is way to build a Heritage of Honor, but debt is the destructive opposition to stewardship.


1. Sourced from "Financial Literacy" from Ad Council web site at

2. Sourced from Dave Ramsey on "Dept" from

Posted byAnonymous at 12/17/2007  


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