1911 Boy Scouts Handbook
Monday, January 5, 2009
The first part of the Boy Scout Pledge says, “On my honor I promise to do my best to honor God and my country.” The philosophy of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of The Boy Scouts of America, was to teach boys to be men, understanding the biblical principles of chivalry and honor towards women and elders. In this official, detailed compilation of Powell’s original work, young men are given valuable information on physical fitness, chivalry, first aid, patriotism, citizenship, and much more.
A Vision Forum Product
Posted byAnonymous at 1/05/2009 0 comments
Labels: Book Store, foundations, generations, hetigate, leadership
A New Years Tradition
Sunday, January 4, 2009
This New Year, we, my family, added a new family tradition. In prior years, New Year’s was a time to light the sky with burning minerals (fireworks), eat boiled seeds (black-eyed peas), and make self-promises (resolutions) of things to do the next year. In reality, the memories of the fireworks slowly fade and the resolutions fade even faster. The memories left are the times spent with family; the life stories created and shared among each other.
This New Year, I wanted to create more of those memories and let the children choose how we were to accomplish this. Each of my children was to identify what event last year they were thankful for. This was to guide them in write down five things they would want to do, as a family, this New Year. Each child created their own list of five family events. Then, with parental guidance, the family voted on one of the five items. With my five children, this created a top five list of things do, as a family, in the New Year. The results:
1. Go to Schlitterbahn.
2. Go on a family campout.
3. Have a family picnic in the park for a day.
4. Go to the Zoo
5. Make brownies and the eat them while watching a Princess Movie.
We wrote this list up, framed it, and to remind us, hung it in the dinning room.
What did you do for the New Year?
Posted byAnonymous at 1/04/2009 1 comments
Labels: traditions