1911 Boy Scouts Handbook
Monday, January 5, 2009
The first part of the Boy Scout Pledge says, “On my honor I promise to do my best to honor God and my country.” The philosophy of Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of The Boy Scouts of America, was to teach boys to be men, understanding the biblical principles of chivalry and honor towards women and elders. In this official, detailed compilation of Powell’s original work, young men are given valuable information on physical fitness, chivalry, first aid, patriotism, citizenship, and much more.
A Vision Forum Product
Posted byAnonymous at 1/05/2009 0 comments
Labels: Book Store, foundations, generations, hetigate, leadership
A New Years Tradition
Sunday, January 4, 2009
This New Year, we, my family, added a new family tradition. In prior years, New Year’s was a time to light the sky with burning minerals (fireworks), eat boiled seeds (black-eyed peas), and make self-promises (resolutions) of things to do the next year. In reality, the memories of the fireworks slowly fade and the resolutions fade even faster. The memories left are the times spent with family; the life stories created and shared among each other.
This New Year, I wanted to create more of those memories and let the children choose how we were to accomplish this. Each of my children was to identify what event last year they were thankful for. This was to guide them in write down five things they would want to do, as a family, this New Year. Each child created their own list of five family events. Then, with parental guidance, the family voted on one of the five items. With my five children, this created a top five list of things do, as a family, in the New Year. The results:
1. Go to Schlitterbahn.
2. Go on a family campout.
3. Have a family picnic in the park for a day.
4. Go to the Zoo
5. Make brownies and the eat them while watching a Princess Movie.
We wrote this list up, framed it, and to remind us, hung it in the dinning room.
What did you do for the New Year?
Posted byAnonymous at 1/04/2009 1 comments
Labels: traditions
Daddy's Little Girl
Monday, December 1, 2008
It is excitingly profound the ways in which lives move under the sovereignty of God. I had the privilege of taking pictures for my sister-in-laws wedding. It was only a short time ago that she, the youngest of the sisters, was the flower girl at my wedding. An now, here stands daddy's little girl, the youngest of my children, a flower girl for my sister-in-law.
I like to talk about paving the future for our generations to come; yet, I am perplexed at how quickly time passes, at how little time we have to start paving that path. Here, two generations have merged in such a short amount of time.
Steven Curtis Chapman's said it well in his song Cinderella:
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Ohh-oh ohh-oh, I will dance with Cinderella
I don't wanna miss even one song,
Cuz all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone
She'll be gone."
Posted byAnonymous at 12/01/2008 0 comments
Labels: family, generations, marriage
Does God Exist?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Hitchens/Wilson sneak peak
"If all goes according to plan, the first-rate, professionally done film production will debut in March 2009."
Article on this debate can be found on Christianity Today, "Is Christianity Good for the World?"
Posted byAnonymous at 11/11/2008 0 comments
Labels: video
A Note of Gratitude
Thursday, May 15, 2008
My fellow readers,
With that said, I would like to stand in sincere gratitude to the men and women fighting to preserve the liberties and freedoms which our great Lord has entrusted to this country. I would like to quote William Henry Seward, secretary of state under Abraham Lincoln from a letter he wrote to his nine year old son on October 7, 1848:
“It was by such sacrifice that liberty was obtained for the American people. How good and virtuous and just ought we to be and how thankful to God that we have blessings secured by the virtue and sufferings of our ancestors. I hope you will get Peter Parley’s history of the Revolution and ask Ma to read to you the account of the Revolution and then I hope you will resolve to be a good man like General Washington that all people may love and bless you” (Lawson 8).
As my wife’s brother has just been recently deployed to serve in
For all you who are serving this county, my family whole heartedly thanks you for your sacrifice, endurance, suffering, and courage. We pray for your protection. You are leading by example. You are showing future generations how to be men of God, protectors of liberty and faith, just as the men before you.
Lawson, Dorie McCullough. Posterity.
Posted byAnonymous at 5/15/2008 1 comments
Labels: generations, leadership
On this Day in History
Monday, February 4, 2008

Born in 1732 into a Virginia planter family, he learned the morals, manners, and body of knowledge requisite for an 18th century Virginia gentleman.
On March 23, 1775, Washington, Jefferson, George Wythe, Patrick Henry and other members of the Second Virginia Convention, gathered at St. John's Church, Richmond; the torch of Liberty was kindled by the inspired words of Patrick Henry, "Give me liberty . . . or give me death!"

1. "George Washingtion." Feburary 4, 2008
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington
Posted byAnonymous at 2/04/2008 1 comments
Labels: fore-fathers, heritage of honor, leadership